A Framework for Diversity, 股本, Inclusion, and Justice at 威尼斯人娱乐城大学

A group of diverse students sit in around a table discussing business strategies.


威尼斯人娱乐城是为我们的学生而存在的, 并与卫斯理的教育传统保持一致, 我们的教师, 工作人员, and administration support them in “their search for truth.”  Our mission statement calls us to be “an ethical and caring community that values excellence, 服务, 礼貌, 多样性和包容性, 为学生成功做准备, responsible citizens who aspire to lives of integrity and moral cour年龄.”

In 服务 to these goals, 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 strives to be a diverse institution. 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 carry with them different levels of exposure to, 以及对, 多样性.  By acknowledging and celebrating this variety of experiences, we can create opportunities for academic success for all, 无论背景如何.  All of us at the college and in the LaGrange community must be intentional about building, 发展中, and sustaining mutually respectful and authentic relationships, 分享每个人的生活经历, 努力消除获得机会的所有障碍.

We cannot move forward as an institution without acknowledging the entirety of our history and the roles played by everyone in our community.

We cannot move forward as an institution without valuing each person’s experience on our campus, understanding that being an inclusive community implies that the voices of everyone are indispensable in cultivating 我们的机构’s identity.


我们可以做得更好. 我们必须做得更好.

Responding to the call of our mission statement, as a community,



  • Empower all individuals to share the full expression of their identities, 包括但不限于, 比赛, 种族, 性, 性别认同, 性取向, 宗教, 国家的起源, 能力, 公民身份, 年龄, 政治观点, 社会经济地位, 资深地位, 移民身份, 以及外表
  • Provide and support the development of mental and physical well-being of our community by fostering self-care, 情感支持, 以及对神经多样性的认识
  • Provide and encour年龄 opportunities for spiritual inquiry and development of religious identity



  • Understanding the college’s position in society and in our local community by documenting our complete institutional history
  • Provide and eng年龄 in an inclusive learning environment, 认识到学生以不同的方式学习
  • Understand and explore the roles that equality and inequality play in shaping our individual and college identities and experiences.



  • Actively eng年龄 with others in the community, both at the college and in LaGrange
  • 为他人着想
  • Recognize the needs of our community, and volunteer our time and talent where needed



  • 有意识地、勇敢地倾听对方
  • Recognize the power of langu年龄 and the need for respectful dialogue when in conversation with one another
  • Understand each other’s beliefs as products of their lived experiences



  • 检讨我们目前的做法, 政策, 从多元化的角度看课程, 股本, 和包容
  • 制定和实施包容和公平的做法, 政策, 以及整个机构的课程设置
  • Support and encour年龄 the creation and maintenance of student organizations on campus that reflect the full 多样性 of our student population
  • Recognize and emb比赛 the variety of voices on campus, and take steps to amplify those voices


赞同这一行动框架, 威尼斯人娱乐城肯定了促进多样性的必要性, 股本, 以及我们校园和更大社区的包容性. This is our aspiration for what we want 我们的机构 to be, 我们希望我们的校园社区变成什么样, and how we want others to see us:  as an institution that views everyone as being made in God’s own im年龄; with their own skills and abilities, 欲望, and dreams; and with their own valuable 在社区中扮演的角色.


在四月, 2023, meeting 威尼斯人娱乐城大学’s Board of Trustees endorsed this framework and approved the creation and publication of a full history of the institution.  Identifying this framework as not only relevant and necessary to continued success for the institution, 而是对我们的学生来说是“正确的事情”, 我们的机构, 以及更大的威尼斯人娱乐城社区.  The institutional history will be completed over the next 2 – 3 years and highlight the contributions of all members of the campus community, everyone who came together to create the institution that now exists.  这段历史将于2023年秋季开始.


初夏时节, 2023, 苏珊娜·巴克斯特总统 formed the 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 Committee on Building a More Diverse, 公平的, 包容公正的社区. A permanent committee beginning in Fall 2023 that will report to the president, the committee exists to coordinate efforts across campus to build and sustain a more equitable community. 委员会将定期举行会议,以便:

  • 倡导和协调多样性, 股本, 以及整个校园的包容性努力, 在学院的战略计划中确定;
  • 创建一个保留和学生成功数据的基线, 由不同的学生组织, and update the data annually following the fall Day of Record;
  • 协调政策定期评估的时间表, 程序, 活动, 以及校园里的活动, and to recommend changes to policy and procedure based on best practices as appropriate;
  • Regularly assess the campus climate and recommend changes regarding 多样性, 股本, 包容, 正义归于适当的群体;
  • 更新所有选区, 包括威尼斯人娱乐城社团, regularly regarding DEIJC 活动; and
  • Perform other DEIJ-related duties as directed by the president.


该委员会将由布莱恩·彼得森担任主席, 教务处副主席 and Director of Diversity, 股本, 和包容, 并将由教员组成, 工作人员, 学生成员.  服刑最多三年, the following 工作人员 and 教师 members have accepted the president’s invitation to join the committee.  它们的期限长度在括号中标识.  Three students will be appointed for one-year terms in early fall 2023.


  • 科尔比·琼斯,教育学副教授(2025)
  • 劳丽·琼斯,人力资源总监(2026)
  • Jasen Jonus, Head Women’s Basketball Coach and Head Cross Country Coach (2025)
  • 琳达·麦克马伦,伊利R. 卡拉威,老., Professor of International Business and Man年龄ment (2024)
  • Justin Muller, Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling (2026)
  • Nikkovia Sweet, Specialist and Assistant, Department of Communications and Marketing (2024)




All-Gender Restrooms are available in the following on-campus buildings during usual building operating hours.

  • 银行大厅-2nd  和3rd 地板
  • 卡拉威科学大楼- 1st 地板上
  • Callaway Education Building (CEB) - Football Practice Field Entrance
  • 哈德逊实验室科学大楼- 1st 地板上
  • 皮茨餐厅-大厅左边
  • 奎莉安大厦- 2nd 楼层-人力资源
  • 史密斯大厅- 1st 楼层-科布董事会室入口
  • 西侧大楼-比森大厅大厅